Karin Suter (in the space of analogies, there are only detours)
Solo show by Karin Suter, from 3 to 20 July.
The title for Karin Suter’s exhibition derives from an essay by Inger Christensen (1935-2009), a Danish poet, novelist and essayist who was the foremost experimentalist of her generation. The central theme in her work is the distance between language and experience, reality and words. This in-between is what lies underneath the exhibitions’ literal materials and allusive title. Karin Suter’s sculptural practice explores analogies between the two-dimensional written word and the three-dimensional realm of objects. What remains is the sculptures’ physical presence, their placing and relation with the surrounding space that embeds the whole exhibition into a closed system.
Karin Suter was born in 1979 in Switzerland. Bachelor of Arts Degree, College of Art and Design Basel CH, Fine Art and Media Art Department, 2004, has lived and worked in Rotterdam since 2010. In 2011 Guest lector/tutor at ECA Edinburgh College of Art, in 2007 Artist in Residence in Beijing, 2005 winnerer of the Alexander Clavel Foundation Art Prize, in 2002 she initiated the Wagenmeisterei ‘independant curatorial project’ in Basel. Recent Projects and exhibitions amongst others: 2013 Solo, De Witte Slagerij, Rotterdam NL (s), 2012 In Gesprek, Museum Elburg NL (g) 2011 A finite whole is greater than any of its parts (laboratory), Embassy Gallery, Edinburgh UK (s) 2010 Dwelling on Matter, Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz/Basel CH (s).
Support: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation