Rui Dias Monteiro
Rui Dias Monteiro (Castelo Branco, Portugal, 1987) is a visual artist, photographer and poet. In 2008 he concluded the Photography Advanced Course and Individual Project in Ar.Co – Center of Art and Visual Communication, and in 2016 he postgraduated in Discourses of Contemporary Photography at Fine Arts Faculty, University of Lisbon. Still in 2016 he was awarded the BF16 – Vila Franca de Xira Biennial Photography Award. In 2017, with Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation´s support, participated in Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation (FAAP) artistic residency program, in São Paulo, Brazil. In 2019, also in São Paulo, he was resident artist in Pivô Pesquisa. He published the books “Sob cada erva” (STET, 2014), “Fazer fogo à noite” (não edições, 2014), “Reunião de pedras” (não edições, 2018), “João José Maria Calhau” (author’s edition, 2020) and “Basta que um pássaro voe” (Terceira Pessoa, 2020).